Hello great spirits and welcome to our base called Jewel of the Moon!
This is place where all started and place where will all end!
Forces of Darkness come again to destroy our holy home!
Pick your hero and Fight against the Darkness, fight like never before, this night it time when all World hold a breath, this base is place where will Light or Darkness fall, RISE HEROES to fame and glory we all depends on you! Author: -Kobas- (-Kobas-0271)
Game type: Defense
Players: 5 users + 1 computer vs 1 computer
Size: 96x96 (Playable 92x92)
Map size:
(ver 2.1) 1.23 MB (unknown bytes)
(ver 2.2) 1.73 MB (1,814,528 bytes)
(ver 2.3) 1.73 MB (1,814,528 bytes)
(ver 2.4) 1.73 MB (1,818,624 bytes)
(ver 2.5) 1.77 MB (1,863,680 bytes)
Map Version:
(ver 2.1) 2.1
(ver 2.2) 2.2
(ver 2.3) 2.3
(ver 2.4) 2.4
(ver 2.5) 2.5
Current Progress:
(ver 2.1) Update Number XI
(ver 2.2) Update Number XII
(ver 2.3) Update Number XIII
(ver 2.4) Update Number XIV
(ver 2.5) Update Number XV
Let me show you basic map setup and some in game commands!
You can see in my map:
1. Different Game Modes:
Hero Pick different game mode at start!
2. Ability Show System:
Can be turned on (Command: -ason) and off (Command: -asoff)
If you turn this system on you will see name of each casted spell above casting unit!
3. Damage Show System:
Can be turned on (Command: -dson) and off (Command: -dsoff)
If you turn this system on you will damage taken by each unit above it!
4. Custom Item Level Up System:
Some items have levels, you can buy same item few times to increase it's stats.
5. Custom ability system:
Each enemy monster will gain different ability at start!
Ability level will be increased with wave levels!
6. Custom Camera System:
Can be turned on (Command: -ec) and off (Command: -dc)
If you turn this system on you will be able to change camera rotation, angle and distance from targer!
Use 'Esc' key to change camera type!
Using -ar command you will ba able to lock camera rotation to unit rotation!
(With nice angle of attack and distance from target this can be used for creating nice RPG camera)
7. Good Terrain:
Whole terrain is based on advanced level:
-Large number of tiles
-Large number of doodads
-Custom cliffs
-Custom Water
-Special Effect Doodads
-Lightning Effect Doodads
-Alpha Textures
8. Nice team play, each hero has differnet skills for different enemies:
Each hero has different skills, some are good for healing others, some for dealing large number of damage to single units etc etc!
Combine skills, explore, create awesome wining combo!