(Silencer) Description:
Keeping your mouth shut, now that is the Silencer's specialty. Although he is often called to ,,turn off" endless-talking women, his specialty relies deeply within the cleansing and atonements, such as the summoning of lunar comets from the skies.
Agility: 30 + 5
Intelligence: 35 + 12
Strength: 35 + 8
Movement Speed: 320.00
Attack Speed: 1.6
1st Dispel Magic
Removes all buffs from units in a target area.
2nd Star Strike
Skar strike an arean with magic star, makes the ground tremble and break, dealing damage to enemy units equal to hero intelligence x 4.
3th Silence
Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells.
4th Starfall
Calls down waves of falling stars that damage nearby enemy units.